Pebble Pups Meeting

The next meeting is Thursday, January 23rd, 6:30p.  at the Education Center

Happy New Year to all our Pebble Pups and your families!

We are going to have some great topics for the Pebble Pups this year and we are going to start things off by learning about fluorescent minerals.  You will learn why some minerals fluoresce, how to find them, and you will have a chance to find something fun to take home!

One of the big changes this year is going to be giving older attendees the chance to dive deeper into the monthly topics and learn so much more about them!  Each base topic will remain the same for older and younger kids, but we want to engage all attendees at their level and provide content that takes their knowledge a step farther while keeping their love of rocks at the center.  There will also be projects that are more challenging and will teach them the next steps of working with gems and minerals.  The younger group will have a chance to learn about all our fabulous topics hands-on, with activities and projects that will keep things fun.

We are also planning some fun field trips that will bring the group together to look for and learn about rocks in nature.  Our first field trip is tentatively planned for March to Cathedral Caverns.  Date will be announced once it has been identified and the deadline for responses will be one month prior to the date of the field trip.

Please join us for our meeting on Thursday, January 23rd at 6:30pm at the HGMS Education Center at the Sandra Moon Community Center, located at 7901 Bailey Cove Road SE, Huntsville, AL.  We can’t wait to see you there!

Your Pups Leadership Team – Suzanne Miller, plus Angela, Kendall, Theresa, Dee Dee, Bill, Matthew, and Jeff

About Pebble Pups

The Pebble Pups is a program for youngsters to learn more about the world around us, concentrating on rocks, minerals, fossils, and geology.  We offer field trips, too.  Interested children and grands of members, ages 8 to 18 years old are welcome to come join us to investigate and discover rocks, minerals, gems and fossils.  For contact information, please email [email protected].

More information about the Future Rockhounds of America program can be found at AFMS Juniors – FRA Badge Program (