
Membership in the Huntsville Gem and Mineral Society (HGMS) is open to all who enjoy the study of gems, minerals, fossils, and geology, plus lapidary arts and related fields. 

Membership dues are $20.00 for individuals and $25.00 for a family for a year.  (A family is two adults and all children under age 19 in one household, plus grandchildren whose parents are not members.)  Dues are payable/renewable by January 1st of each year.  New members who join at the October Fall Show are paid through the entire next year.

How Do I Join?

You can join at any time.  Our Membership Application is included in our Brochure.  Open the Brochure, print and fill out the Application, and mail it with your check to the address shown.

How Do I Renew My Membership?

To renew your membership, update your information on the Application, and mail it with your check to the address shown.

What Are Some of the Membership Benefits?

Monthly Meetings w/Programs

Monthly Newsletters

Access to Lapidary Equipment

Monthly Activities:

Scholarships to Southeast Federation of Mineralogical Societies Workshops

Annual Events:

For general questions about the HGMS, or for more information about membership, please send email to