Officers and Committee Chairs



President:  Mike Harrison
Vice President:  Shelley Curran
Recording Secretary:  James Yack
Treasurer:  Clara Goode
Newsletter Editor:  Bill Friday
Past President:  Anthony Zwilling
Directors at Large:  Les Bartel, Doug Blakely, Theresa Chivers, Gene Powers

Commitee Chairs:

Programs:  Bill Friday
Membership:  Theresa Chivers
Publicity:  Open
Webpage:  Leslie Malakowsky
Hospitality:  Mike Harrison
Property:  Michael Cape
Mineral Identification:  Lowell Zoller
Facility Administrator:  Bill Friday

Activity Chairs:

Auction:  Shelley Curran
Show:  Tony Smith
Show Vendors:  Lowell Zoller
Assistant Show Vendor Chair:  Jan Edmunds
Show Publicity:  Tony Smith
Show Volunteers:  Debbie Epperson
Show Treasurer:  Clara Goode
Rocket City Jewelers:  Judy Osmundson, Theresa Chivers, Leslie Malakowsky
Metalsmithing:  Shelley Curran, Kathy Bowman, Jan Edmunds
Pebble Pups:  Dee Morton
Field Trips:  Bill Friday

For general questions about the HGMS, or for information about membership, please send email to