Pebble Pups

Next Meeting

Welcome to the Pebble Pups – formerly Future Rockhounds of America!  Do your kids want to dig in the dirt, go on hikes to find rocks and fossils, go to a mine and discover gems, or learn to smash rocks with a rock hammer?  If they do, join the Pebble Pups!  The only rule is that you need to accompany your child/children at all activities.

Who We Are:  Kids between the ages of 8 and 18.  New members are always welcome.  Bring your friends!

When We Meet:  6:30p – 7:30p the 4th Thursday of the month.  Next Meeting

Where We Meet:  Rocket City Jewelers (RCJ) Room, Huntsville Gem and Mineral Education Center, Sandra Moon Community Complex, 7901 Bailey Cove Road SE, Huntsville.  Please enter the South parking lot from Bailey Cove Road SE, then enter the building through the double glass doors.

What It Costs:  Parents (or guardians) need to join the HGMS ($20/person or $25/family).

Who To Contact:  If you have any questions, please contact Suzanne Miller, [email protected].