Member News

Dues Are Due Now

If you didn’t pay their dues before or at the Show, please bring them to the next membership meeting, or mail them to Theresa Chivers, Membership Chair.

Show Yard Signs

Please return Show yard signs at the next membership meeting or drop them off at the Ed Center when it’s open.  The signs are expensive to replace.

Club Scholarships for Wm Holland and Wildacres Art Schools

HGMS members interested in applying for one of the three $300 Club scholarships should send Shelley Curran an email at [email protected] no later than midnight of Friday, December 6th.  Winners will be drawn at our Christmas Dinner Meeting on Monday, December 9th.  You don’t have to be present to win.  One scholarship is reserved for class instructors.  Scholarships are available to members in good standing and may be used toward continuing education at William Holland School of Lapidary Arts ( or Wildacres Retreat Center ( Reimbursement will be made when a paid receipt from the school is presented to the Club treasurer.